Volume 39,Issue 5,2016 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Study on fluid torque by shear stress of double arc oil groove friction pairs in hydro-viscous drive
    CUI Hongwei YAO Shouwen DENG Yuanyuan
    2016, 39(5):1-9. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.001
    [Abstract](1229) [HTML](760) [PDF 4.75 M](1331)
    The double arc oil groove friction pairs are widely used in hydro-viscous drive (HVD). In order to study the influence of oil groove parameters on fluid torque by shear stress, the flow characteristics of oil film was carried out by using the software CFX. The shear torque of film was obtained. An analysis platform, which was built to discover the influence of oil groove parameters on shear torque, was designed based on the flow field parametric modeling, numerical stimulation, design of experimental (DOE) and response surface methodology (RSM). The effects of the depth, the width and the number of the oil groove on shear torque were analyzed and an approximate response surface methodology model was then set up. And a test rig of torque performance was set up. The results indicate that the shear torque decreases with the depth, the width and the number of oil grooves increasing. Meanwhile, the influence of width is the most, and that of the number is the smallest. Through both theoretical and experimental study, the effect of oil groove parameters on fluid torque by shear stress could be much more precisely achieve by CFX numerical simulation and the platform which combine the CAD, CFX, DOE and RSM technology.
    2  The numerical simulation of bolted flange joints and the contact convergence analysis
    LI Wei DUAN Ruichun YANG Changsheng GUO Ran
    2016, 39(5):10-16. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.002
    [Abstract](1420) [HTML](506) [PDF 1.99 M](2416)
    The numerical simulation process of bolted flange joints involves many contact pairs, and the difficulty in the convergence of numerical simulation commonly exists for contact problem. Taking the finite element analysis for the flange joints of geared compressor by ANSYS workbench as an example, we analyzed the main factors influencing computational convergence in detail, including the construction of contact pairs, the determination of contact type, the selection of proper algorithm and the value of FKN(contact stiffness factor). In the process of simulation, unsymmetrical bonded contact was applied to the connection between nuts and bolts, and unsymmetrical frictional contact was applied to the contact on two flange surfaces and the connection between nuts and flanges. Moreover, the screwing of bolts was simulated by applying bolt pretension in linear. In the process of the numerical computation, pure penalty and augmented Lagrangian were applied to the bonded contact and the frictional contact, respectively. with a small FKN in the inifial computation, it was gradually increased according to the result of the contact iteration and N-R residual until the computation converged. The convergence of the example is well, the frictional stress on the contact surfaces conforms to the distribution of compression stress and there is only very small slide on the contact surfaces, so the computation result meets engineering utilization requirements. At the same time, it offers some reference to resolve the convergence problem of other's contact type.
    3  Effect of bolt pre-tightening force on the strength of transmission line tower
    YAN Bo LIU Liyu BI Chengcai WU Tianbao LIU Fan CAO Yongxing
    2016, 39(5):17-25. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.003
    [Abstract](1207) [HTML](786) [PDF 4.54 M](1168)
    By means of ABAQUS software, the finite element model of a section of a real transmission line was set up, and the stresses and the deformations of the line under typical cases were numerically analyzed. According to collapsing details of the tower, a three dimensional solid finite element model of the local structure, in which the details of the structural link, bolt pre-tightening force and the clearance between bolts and screw holes were considered, was established, and the model was connected with the other portion of the tower discretized by beam and truss elements to obtain the integrity of tower. Moreover, the effects of the bolt pre-tightening force on the slipping of the bolt and structural stress were numerically investigated. It is concluded that insufficient bolt pre-tightening force gives rise to obvious slipping and large structural stress. Therefore, insufficient bolt pre-tightening force is probably one of the main reasons leading to tower collapse.
    4  Added mass of slender cylinders with different end shapes
    ZHANG Dan FENG Shuangshuang WEI Xiaojuan SUN Lei XIE Lingzhi WEI Yongtao
    2016, 39(5):26-33. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.004
    [Abstract](1716) [HTML](1099) [PDF 2.92 M](1874)
    Based on the potential theory and the finite element method, the added mass of objects moving in fluid was studied. Firstly, the added mass of a ball in the infinite domain and the added mass of a cylinder in lateral motion in a tube were calculated to verify the validation of the codes. Then the added mass for slender cylinders with different end shapes moving axially in a long tube fluid was analyzed. The results show that under a given diameter of the tube, the added mass for the slender cylinder is proportional to its length. And the slope of the linear relationship increases rapidly with the decrease of the distance between the slender cylinder and tube wall. Moreover, when the length of the cylinder is much larger than its diameter, the shapes of the cylinder ends have little influence on the added mass.
    5  Review of researches on structure topology optimizationwith material nonlinearity
    YIN Yihui LIU Yuandong DOU Linlong
    2016, 39(5):34-38. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.005
    [Abstract](1380) [HTML](607) [PDF 910.90 K](2272)
    Structure topology optimization, which is an important part of structure design, is becoming more and more important in recent years. At present, the research on structure topology optimization is mainly based on the theory of material linearity, in which the deformation of material is assumed linear. However, the nonlinear behavior of material occurs inevitably in practical engineering structures, such as house structure in earthquake area. It is demanded that the house can not be destroyed within a certain range of earthquke load. Therefore, the material nonlinearity must be taken into account in the research of structure topology optimization, so that the more practical topology structure can be obtained. In this paper, a review of researches on structure topology optimization with material nonlinearity was stated, and a brief expectation was presented.
    6  Research progress of computer simulation methodfor particle sintering process
    ZHANG Long ZHANG Xiaomin CHU Zhongxiang PENG Song
    2016, 39(5):39-48. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.006
    [Abstract](1383) [HTML](1814) [PDF 2.07 M](2404)
    Sintering is a complex physical and chemical process under the action of many kinds of factors. The computer simulation technology is a powerful tool to study the complicated sintering process. The advances of computer simulation method for particle sintering process in the past ten years were summarized in this paper. The researches on Monte Carlo method, phase field method, finite element method, molecular dynamics method and discrete element method were reviewed respectively, and the representative achievements of each method were introduced. Moreover, the advantages and the disadvantages of each numerical method were given. It provides a comprehensive understanding of simulation method of sintering process.
    7  Quatitative calculation of quasi-static deformation of structurebased on peridynamics theory
    SHEN Feng ZHANG Qing HUANG Dan GU Xin
    2016, 39(5):49-55. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.007
    [Abstract](1614) [HTML](704) [PDF 1.41 M](1410)
    Peridynamics (PD) is a continuum theory that employs a nonlocal model to describe material properties. The theory assumes that particles in a continuum interact with each other across a finite distance, and formulates problems in terms of integral equations rather than partial differential equations. In this paper, an improved material model for the elastic deformation and quasi-static fracture analysis of materials and structures were proposed within the framework of the PD. The model enables accurately analyzing quasi-static elastic behavior of materials and structures under external loads by implementing a local damping into the peridynamic equations of motion and employing a quasi-static step loading method. The qualitative and quantitative validity of the model was established through numerical examples.
    8  Nonlinear constitutive relation for honeycombs based onthe modifications to Gibson's formula
    CHEN Yu FU Minghui ZHENG Binbin
    2016, 39(5):56-62. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.008
    [Abstract](1195) [HTML](732) [PDF 3.76 M](977)
    Gibson's formula is widely used due to its simplicity. Yet, it will lose its effectiveness gradually with the increase of relative density (or the ratio of cell-wall thickness t to length L, t/L) and deformation of hexagonal honeycombs. In this paper, the right hexagonal honeycombs with uniform cells but in different densities were analyzed via finite element analysis. A nonlinear modified factor was introduced here to describe the geometric nonlinear behavior of honeycombs. It can be concluded from the numerical results that, for low density honeycombs, the nonlinear modified factor only relates to the deformation and doesn't relate to density. Then, a constitutive relation for low density honeycombs was obtained by giving a fitting formula to the modified factor. For extending this result to high density honeycombs, another nonlinear modified factor was introduced. This modified factor is dependent on both density and deformation. Similarly, a cubic polynomial was used to fit it. Consequently, the geometrical nonlinear constitutive relation which suitable to various density right hexagonal honeycombs with uniform cells was obtained. The constitutive relation with less parameters and accurate prediction may be promising in applications. And the method used in this paper can be easily extended to general hexagonal honeycomb materials.
    9  Finite element method based on Voronoi cell for the effective modulus of particle reinforced composites
    HUANG Yongxia GUO Ran LI Wei
    2016, 39(5):63-72. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.009
    [Abstract](1359) [HTML](856) [PDF 4.89 M](1012)
    Finite element method based on interfacial debonding Voronoi cell, including random information of inclusion distribution, is more efficient than displacement finite element method in simulating multiphase composite. The finite element method based on interfacial debonding Voronoi cell was used to simulate the representative volume element(RVE) to obtain the stress field. And then the average stress-strain curve, which can reflect the influence of the interfacial debonding on the effective properties of the materials, and effective elastic modulus were obtained by using the direct homogenization method. We simulated several models using the program which can simulate the representative volume elements containing arbitrary inclusion on a large scale, and analyzed the influences of the shape, the volume fraction and the spatial distribution of inclution on the effective elastic modulus of the material. The results show that the model which has a large effective elastic modulus generally has a strong stress concentration at the interface, and the interfacial debonding occurs earlier during the loading process.
    10  Analysis and application of yielding approach based on material strength criteria
    GAO Liyan YU Guangming ZHAO Jianfeng WAN Xaomei YUAN Changfeng
    2016, 39(5):73-81. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.010
    [Abstract](1136) [HTML](638) [PDF 2.65 M](1119)
    Yielding approach index (YAI) in stress space was redefined for general application to various strength criteria in this paper. Some problems in YAI function derived on the basis of Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion were pointed out and the function was re-derived and revised. Furthermore, a series of YAI functions for different material strength criteria were derived and expressed uniformly for convenient numerical programming. Finally, the stability and safety of the surrounding rock for an engineering (Qingdao Metro Line No. 3) were visually analyzed by embedding a self-compiling YAI program in the post-processing stage of finite element analysis.
    11  Analysis of thermal stress in laminated material based on state space method
    HAN Zhilin CHENG Changzheng SHENG Hongyu
    2016, 39(5):82-89. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.011
    [Abstract](1077) [HTML](405) [PDF 2.10 M](1106)
    A state space finite element method for 2D thermal elasticity of laminated materials was deduced by introducing stress-strain relations of thermal elastic problems. Finite element approximation was introduced for the variations of displacements and stresses on the horizontal interfaces while the through thickness distributions of the variations of displacements and stresses were obtained by utilizing state space method. The displacement and stress at the interface of laminated materials deduced by the present method were illustrated. It is shown that the present method has high calculation accuracy and low computational cost by comparing with the finite element method.
    12  Mechanical characteristics of sandstone under hydraulic fracturing by uniaxial compression
    YANG Hongwei XU Jiang NIE Wen LIN Jun GONG Tao
    2016, 39(5):90-96. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.012
    [Abstract](1268) [HTML](553) [PDF 2.46 M](1198)
    In this paper, mechanical characteristics of sandstone under hydraulic fracturing were investigated by uniaxial compression tests (using RLW-2000M Coal and Rock Computer Controlled Rheological Testing Machine). Transformation laws of strain-pore water pressure curves are the research highlights. The mechanical characters of sandstone under hydraulic fracturing were discussed based on pore water pressure, rock strain and water volume. In addition, we assessed the hydraulic fracture morphology and failure type of sandstone. The results show that the typical deformation evolution involoves four stages in hydraulic fracturing process, and well the characteristics of the pore fissure water injection stage, the elastic deformation stage, the volume expansion stage, and the gloable rupture stage are revealed. The power of negative exponential can fit the ε1-t and the P-Vp curves. Tensile deformation and shear deformation interact with each other during the crack initiation and propagation process.
    13  Characterization of rock heterogeneity modeled by discontinuous deformation analysis method
    YANG Zheng NING Youjun LUO Ming NI Kesong
    2016, 39(5):97-102. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.013
    [Abstract](1307) [HTML](493) [PDF 2.21 M](1048)
    Based on the Weibull distribution function, a rock meso-heterogeneity model was introduced to numerically simulate the Brazilian splitting test with discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method. The heterogeneities of the elastic modulus, the Poisson's ratio and the strength parameters were considered in this model. The simulation results of the heterogeneous and the homogeneous Brazilian disks show that the heterogeneity model can derive the macroscopic non-linear mechanical response of rock with meso-scale linear constitutive relationship and leads to lower rock macroscopic strength than the homogeneeus modle. And after comparing the simulation result of considering the heterogeneities of the elastic modulus and the Poisson's ratio with that of considering the heterogeneities of the elastic modulus, the Poisson's ratio and the strength parameters, we found the macroscopic strength of the disk with taking the heterogeneity of the strength parameters into consideration was lower and the cracks generated were more scattered. This study is beneficial for the understanding of the rock heterogeneous and non-linear characteristics and their numerical analysis.
    14  Mechanical behavior and energy mechanism of salt rock with prefab fissures under uniaxial compression
    WANG Weichao LIU Xiliang WANG Li GUO Jiaqi
    2016, 39(5):103-113. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.014
    [Abstract](1282) [HTML](342) [PDF 2.38 M](1125)
    A mass of corrosion fissures arise during the washing process of rock salt cavern. In order to study the influence of fissures on the mechanical properties of salt rock, the mechanical properties of the cracked salt rock with different parameters were tested and studied by using MTS-815 rock mechanics test system. The test results were modified by logarithmic strain, the effects of fissules with different parameters on the strength and the deformation of salt rock were analyzed, and the energy characteristics in the process of the damage were analyzed based on the theory of energy dissipation. The testing results indicate that the peak strength of salt rock with different fissure angles are lower than that of intact salt rock, and the relationship between the reduction extent and the fissure angle isn't linear. The length of prefab fissure has obvious weakening effect on the peak intensity of salt rock. The longer the fissures are, the greater the weakening effect is. Most part of the total strain energy U produced by external force transforms into dissipated energy Ud, and a small part is accumulated as the releasable elastic strain energy Ue, which causes the damage and the plastic deformation in the salt rock. In the failure progress, the curves between energy, such as total energy consumption, dissipation energy and elastic strain energy, and strain present evident stage characteristics. The uniaxial compression of salt rock shows four stages: compression stage, elastic deformation stage, plastic deformation stage and failure stage.
    15  The ultimate load carrying capacity of variable cross-sectional concrete filled steel tubular laced columns on axial load
    OU Zhijing YAN Qiaoling XUE Jianyang CHEN Baochun
    2016, 39(5):114-120. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.015
    [Abstract](1061) [HTML](340) [PDF 1.55 M](1177)
    Test results of variable cross-sectional concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) laced columns on axial load indicate that the ultimate load of specimens reduces gradually with the increase of column length and the decrease of slope of longitudinal elements. Following this rule, a calculation method of the ultimate load carrying capacity of CFST variable cross-sectional laced columns on axial load was studied on the base of calculation frame of equal cross-sectional CFST laced columns. A method by using equivalent length to calculate equivalent slenderness ratio and stability factor of variable cross-sectional CFST laced columns was presented. The calculation results of specimens' ultimate load by this method are coincident well with the test results. Finally, a rational and applied method to calculate the ultimate load carrying capacity of four-element variable cross-sectional CFST laced columns was presented on the base of numerical results from FEM analysis, and it's hoped to provide reference for the further perfection of CFST design criteria.
    16  Numerical simulation of drill string damage based on micromechanics and XFEM methods
    LIAN Zhanghua ZHANG Ying LIN Tiejun WEI Chenxin GUO Yanru
    2016, 39(5):121-128. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2016.05.016
    [Abstract](1331) [HTML](934) [PDF 7.32 M](1484)
    During the drilling process, the drill string subjects to various alternating loads. Therefore, mechanics community has always been deeply studying its damage mechanism. In this paper, we first used the Python scripting language to establish a grain-size distribution model at the meso-scale on Abaqus software platform based on the basic principle of mesomechanics analysis. Then, the fracture mechanics algorithm—extended finite element method (XFEM) was applied to calculate the meso-scale grain model which contains micro-cracks and analyze the crack dynamic simulation propagation and distributions characteristics of stress and strain in this process. At last, by using the mesomechanics homogenization method, we handled the stress and the strain at different time, and obtained the effect of micro-crack propagation on macro-properties of drill string material. For drill pipe in elastic deformation stage at macro-scale, plastic zone may also exist at meso-scale and elasticity modulus is constant when there is no micro-cracks propagation. The idea of this paper can provide a new method for deeply exploring damage mechanism of drill string.

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