2018, 41(3):1-12. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.001
Abstract:A second-order sliding-mode controller based on improved sub-optimal algorithm for synchronous Buck converter is designed, and the converter can be controlled only by detecting its output voltage without measuring the capacitance current of the converter. By introducing hysteresis to sub-optimal algorithm,the switching frequency of the converter is limited when the output voltage is stable. In the Simulink,the second-order sliding-mode controller is actualized by using the state machine, and the simulation test verifies the start-up performance, the steady-state behavior and the robust against the large load disturbance jump from 10 A to 20 A and the power disturbance jump from 5 V to 10 V. The simulation results show that the proposed second-order sliding-mode controller retains the robustness of sliding mode control and is superiors to first-order sliding-mode control in the aspect of resisting disturbance.
HOU Yuepan , CUI Wenzhi , NIE Xiu , XIE Zhenwen
2018, 41(3):13-20. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.002
Abstract:Two types of flat heat pipes with different non-uniform grooves are fabricated and experimentally studied. The effect of charge ratio and input power on the thermal performance of the heat pipes is analyzed. The results show that the higher the charge ratio is, the longer the startup time needed for the heat pipes is. The herringbone grooved flat heat pipe has a better startup performance under the same charge ratio and heating power. For a given charge ratio (e.g. 60%), the herringbone structure heat pipe presents an enhanced heat transfer characteristic in the power range from 60 W to 170 W, with the minimal total thermal resistance of 0.14℃/W. The thermal resistance of the flat heat pipe with crossed grooves decreases with the heating power in the whole experimental power range (from 60 W to 350 W) and the lowest total thermal resistance is 0.10℃/W.
FAN Min , LIU Yaling , HUANG Huayong , CHEN Huan , CHEN Jun , LUO Baosong , TANG Shan
2018, 41(3):21-31. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.003
Abstract:With the development of smart distribution network, the distribution automation system (DAS) is increasing rapidly. It is urgent to evaluate the state operation performance of DAS comprehensively. Based on the establishment of hierarchical evaluation index system for the performance, the indexes are clustered to train the index classifier by decision tree algorithm to analyze different types of the state operation automatically. Then, we use the entropy method to give weight to each index, and constructe the training sample set of comprehensive evaluation by using the weighted results and the original data of the indexes. Finally, we use the multiple regression algorithm to train the evaluation model for each state operation category. As shown by the experimental results, the evaluation model can objectively reflect the comprehensive state operation performance of DAS at the corresponding time section. Moreover, it obtains higher accuracy than the traditional neural network evaluation model and provides effective evaluation method and decision supporting for the operation management of DAS.
QIAO Hongxia , LU Chenggong , SHI Yingying , LUO Xiaobo
2018, 41(3):32-41. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.004
Abstract:Based on the comprehensive consideration of the complex climatic characteristics and corrosion environment along the metro line, simultaneously considering ultraviolet radiation, wet and dry cycles, freeze-thaw cycles, sulfate and magnesium salt corrosion, a large cycle indoor test is designed and durability tests are carried out on 5 kinds of concrete including 3 water binder ratio and 3 fly ash content. The durability of the subway concrete is evaluated through the apparent phenomenon, compressive strength value, the relative quality evaluation parameters, the relative dynamic elastic modulus evaluation parameters, and the comprehensive damage assessment parameters. The damage degradation mechanism of concrete under multi-factors is analyzed by means of X ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with considering the quality and dynamic elastic modulus and the micro image. The results show that concrete specimens under indoor large cycle have complex physical and chemical reactions, generate expansive products, i.e. ettringite and gypsum crystals, and products without cementing performance, i.e. M-S-H. And the same time, they are subjected to the combined action of temperature stress, expansion and contraction stress, swelling pressure and salt crystal pressure and take on the erosion characteristics of initial strengthening, preliminary deterioration and accelerated degradation later. The comprehensive damage evaluation index of quality and dynamic elastic modulus can more objectively and accurately demonstrate macro performance and microstructure of concrete. The durability of the specimen with water cement ratio of 0.35 and fly ash content of 30% is the best.
SONG Zhongyou , ZHONG Yuanhong , CHEN Tao , LI Jie , WANG Kunpeng , ZHOU Yao
2018, 41(3):42-50. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.005
Abstract:In view of the shortcomings in localization accuracy of current multiple target localization algorithm, a method of multi-object localization based on compressive sensing (CS) and alternate iteration is proposed. Firstly, the measurement matrix of received signal strength (RSS) is expressed as the product of measurement matrix and sparse vector according to CS theory, which transforms multiple target localization problem to the reconstruction of sparse vector. Next, traditional localization algorithm based on CS is presented to obtain rough estimation of target positions. Finally, alternate iteration method is employed to further refine positions when localization results are not accurate. During the alternate iteration process, the diamond search is used to find the exact target locations. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm overcomes the limitation of traditional compressive sensing localization techniques which can only locate targets in the center of grid, and improves the localization interference of the interaction between objects with high localization accuracy. The indoor operation and maintenance inspection area of a power company in Chongqing is chosen as an experimental site and the proposed method is applied to the actual inspection localization, and good results are achieved in the indoor localization.
BAI Zhi , HE Yigang , WANG Sainan , WANG Luda
2018, 41(3):51-57. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.006
Abstract:Aiming at the failure of two-dimensional polarization filtering when the distance between the interference and the signal in the Poincare is too short, a three-dimension polarization filtering approach based on orthogonal projection is proposed in this paper.The algorithm redefines the problem on the basis of traditional methods, a pair of complete orthogonal basis in interference orthogonal subspace is obtained under the interference suppression rule, and the pair of basis has clear physical significance, which facilitates the algorithm's expansion. In the solved subspace, the optimal weights are achieved under the rule. The theory and simulation results indicate that the proposed method can effectively suppress the polarized interference, the performance of traditional algorithm is improved.
LYU Hong , PENG Yali , ZHOU Shunxian
2018, 41(3):58-66. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.007
Abstract:As to the unknown target detection for polarimetric radars under the background of non-Gaussian clutter, a measurement model of the fully-polarimetric radar with variable transmit and receive polarization is built. Then by employing the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), a novel polarimetric detector based on joint transmit and receive polarization optimization is proposed and the close form of the test statistics is obtained. Furthermore, in the stage of performance analysis, its analytical expression of detection performance is derived. Remarkably, the newly proposed detector has the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) property. Moreover, the correspondence between the polarization vector and the detection performance is clarified. Finally, in the stage of performance assessment, we firstly design the experiment of the unknown target detection under the non-Gaussian clutter background. The results show that, with the same experimental conditions, the proposed algorithm has a better performance against non-Gaussian clutter than the existing polarization detectors for unknown targets, and also a better detection performance than them, while the detection performance of the proposed detector is close to the optimal polarization detector (OPD), which is with a prior knowledge of the target and clutter. Then we compare the detection performances of the polarimetric radar with joint transmit and receive polarization optimization, the one with only transmit polarization optimization and the one with fixed transmit and receive polarizations. The results show that under the same experimental conditions, the detection performance of the aforementioned first radar system is better than the latter two systems.
ZHANG Yongbing , ZHOU Mingjun , ZHENG Lei
2018, 41(3):67-75. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.008
Abstract:In order to evaluate the seismic performance of infilled reinforced concrete frame building in strong earthquakes, numerical models are established in OpenSees. The column or beam components are simulated by concentrated plastic hinge element based on the modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler model while the infills are simulated by a pair of compression-only struts based on the Clough model. With the different arrangements of the infills, four frame models are designed, the incremental dynamic analysis of 44 seismic records and the fragility analysis are carried out. The analysis shows that the first model and the fourth model cannot satisfied the seismic performance requirements of national codes in frame building subjected to strong earthquakes, this type of frame buildings should be avoided or reinforced.
2018, 41(3):76-81. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.009
Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy of short-term forecasting of spare parking spaces in parking lots, a prediction method based on back propagation (BP) neural network optimized by genetic algorithm (GA) is presented. The GA is used to optimize the weights and thresholds of BP neural network, and the BP neural network is trained to search for the optimal solution. The simulation results show that the proposed method has better prediction accuracy, and the nonlinear fitting ability is significant.
TANG Liming , FANG Zhuang , XIANG Changcheng , CHEN Shiqiang
2018, 41(3):82-90. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.010
Abstract:Chan-Vese (CV) model is robust to noise to some extent due to the using of global image information. But for the image corrupted by strong noise, CV model cannot get satisfactory segmentation. In this paper, we propose a variational level set model that combines CV model with variational image decomposition. The proposed model integrating BV-L2 decomposition into CV functional can achieve image denoising and segmentation, simultaneously. An alternative and iterative algorithm is applied to numerically solve the proposed model. Experiments on some synthetic and real images demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed model. Moreover, compared with the well-known CV model and VFCMS model, the proposed model can get better performance for the image corrupted by strong noise.
LIU Yaling , ZHANG Cheng , ZOU Yiping , CHEN Juan , LIU Chao
2018, 41(3):91-99. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.011
Abstract:Equipment selection and thermo-economic evaluation have great influence on thermodynamic performance, economic feasibility and environmental impacts of ORC (organic rankine cycle) systems. Selecting R123 as working fluid, we conduct the main parameters of equipment and thermos-economic analysis for ORC electricity generation system driven by the flue gas waste heat of a real 30 t/h industrial boiler. Then heat exchanger sizes and thermos-economic results are calculated, and the operating parameters of equipment and heat exchanger layout are put forward. The results show that the unit capacity cost, electricity production cost, payback period, net power output and electricity production power are 23 800 Yuan/kW, 0.285 Yuan/(kW·h), 5.58 years, 91.5 kW and 88.5 kW, respectively. Considering the main equipment and operation maintenance cost, the system total investment is RMB 3.45 million.
2018, 41(3):100-108. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2018.03.012
Abstract:With the rapid development of the Internet of Things, the location privacy is considered as an important security issue in sensor networks. Traditional encryption methods cannot effectively prevent attackers finding the position of monitoring object by reverse tracing. To solve these problems and considering attackers have enhanced visibility, we propose a location privacy protection strategy called PRABNS (phantom routing based on area and brother neighbor selecting). The strategy can make the phantom nodes evenly distributed around the source node, and the adjacent data packet have a certain angle space through the selection of partial region, and thus it can increase the diversity for the path of source node to the base station by selecting sibling nodes. The simulation results show that the strategy can provide better privacy preservation, and extend the secure time without increasing too much energy consumption.