ZHANG Yongxiang , WANG Ruizhi , LIU Hao , ZOU Quanle , GONG Yu
2022, 45(12):1-13. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.259
Abstract:To study the effect of unit cell shape and loading direction on the mechanical properties and buckling mode of honeycomb structures, different honeycomb structures were prepared by additive manufacturing technology, and static load tests and dynamic simulations were carried out. The results show that the stress curve of the honeycomb structure shows a four-stage change trend. The hexagonal honeycomb structure supported by the unit cell diagonally has the highest platform stress and total strain energy density. In addition, the collapse of the unit cell is mainly due to the shear deformation of the unit cell, and the quadrilateral honeycomb unit cell undergoes severe buckling instability during shear deformation. The instability mode of the overall honeycomb structure can be divided into two types: oblique and transverse initial shear bands. In the simulation of large-scale honeycomb structure, its anti-shock ability has been evaluated. The analysis shows that the energy absorption value of the structure can reach 105 J, which meets the requirements of the energy absorption shock absorber. The findings can provide a theoretical foundation for the design of the hydraulic support anti-shock energy absorber.
2022, 45(12):14-25. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.253
Abstract:In order to understand the influence of microstructure difference and thermal effect on the damage of PBX, a three-dimensional meso model is established using Voronoi method. The damage mechanism of PBX with different microstructure under thermal load is analyzed by considering the elasto-plastic properties of particles, the elasto-viscoplastic properties of binder and the interfacial cohesion constitutive relationship. The results show that the interface is not easy to be damaged when the temperature rises, but the binder with small shrinkage hinders the shrinkage of particles when the temperature decreases, resulting in the increase of the normal tensile stress between the interfaces, which is easy to cause interface damage. Increasing the content of binder is beneficial to reducing the damage of interface during cooling. When the binder content is similar, the more uniform the particle size is, the smaller the interfacial damage is. Under the action of low pressure, the damage changes from normal stress to tangential stress, and the damage decreases. However, when the pressure is too high, new damage occurs at the interface.
XIE Dongdong , JIN Xiaoqing , JIANG Zhizhen , QIAN Houpeng , LI Pu
2022, 45(12):26-35. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.262
Abstract:Inclusions in engineering materials create a disturbance to the elastic fields. When an inclusion is located in the vicinity of the surface, the interactions between the inclusion and the surface are often difficult to be solved analytically. The elementary solutions of the displacements and stresses caused by a rectangular inclusion contained in an elastic half-plane are derived in closed-form. Accordingly, the resultant elastic fields produced by any arbitrarily shaped inclusion can be solved through a “discretization-superposition” scheme. The traditional Finite Element Method needs to mesh the semi-infinite matrix region which is much larger than the size of the inclusion, while the mesh needs to be sufficiently refined at the inclusion/matrix interface to attain a satisfactory accuracy. By taking advantages of the elementary solutions of rectangular inclusion, the proposed semi-analytical method merely performs the numerical discretization within the inclusion region, leading to remarkable savings on the meshing efforts and memory storage. Benchmark examples are reported for an elastic half-plane containing either regular hexagonal or circular inclusion, and the results are validated with those obtained by the commercial finite element software, demonstrating the correctness and effectiveness of this proposed semi-analytical method.
YANG Lan , JIAN Kailin , ZHANG Liang
2022, 45(12):36-47. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.254
Abstract:In order to solve the plane unsteady and quasi-static coupled thermoelasticity problems with concave convex boundary shape, the element free Galerkin method (EFG) is used. The subsequent results are adaptively optimized by using the moving least square method (MLS) to construct the shape function and the Lagrange multiplier method to deal with the essential boundary conditions (the first kind of boundary conditions), as well as introducing the Voronoi adjacency criterion and the posteriori error formula. Then a new EFG adaptive model for unsteady quasi-static and coupled thermoelasticity problems is constructed. To verify the model’s feasibility, the temperature field and displacement field distribution in the planes with smooth and concave convex boundary shape are calculated under two-dimensional mixed boundary conditions. The results are compared with those of finite element method. The difference between the results of finite element method and meshless method is characterized, and the effectiveness and accuracy of EFG for unsteady quasi-static thermoelasticity coupled problems are verified.
2022, 45(12):48-57,70. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.257
Abstract:In the process of shale gas exploitation, it is difficult to simulate the real shale with a large number of micro-cavities because fluid cavities are involved, and the most important problem is the transition at the interface of the Lagrangian grid and the Euler grid. In response to this problem, a solid element model with fluid was established. The surface force balance condition at the fluid-solid interface was introduced, its modified complementary energy functional was obtained, and a new stress hybrid element with fluid was derived. By comparison with the common commercial finite element software Marc, the effectiveness of the model was verified. The equivalent elastic modulus of the model was studied in the condition when the shape, the volume fraction, the spatial distribution position, and the average radius were changed separately. The results show that when the volume fraction remains unchanged, the equivalent elastic modulus increases as the radius of the fluid-containing hole increases, while different shapes have little effect on the equivalent elastic modulus. When the volume fraction rises, the equivalent elastic modulus of the model greatly decreases. When the angle increases, the equivalent elastic modulus gradually decreases, and the decreasing amplitude drops slightly. The model has stress concentration at the fluid-solid interface, and the concentration direction is on the upper and lower sides of the hole.
YANG Xi , ZENG Zhong , LI Jiayu , ZHANG Liangqi
2022, 45(12):58-70. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.264
Abstract:Based on the phase field method (PFM) and charge conservation equation, a numerical method is proposed for two-phase flows in an external electric field within the OpenFOAM framework. Under weakly conducting condition, the deformation of a single droplet and the coalescence of two droplets under alternating electric field are investigated. The results show that the frequency of the alternating electric field can effectively affect both the deformation rate of the single droplet and the coalescence efficiency of the two droplets. When the permittivity ratio Q equals to the electrical conductivity ratio R, the mean deformation resulting from the alternating electric field (AC field) is the same as the steady state deformation under the equivalent direct current electric field (DC field), and the coalescence time becomes longer with the increase of the AC field frequency. When Q>R, the mean deformation rate of the single droplet increases continuously and the coalescence time of two droplets reduces with the increase of the frequency of the AC field. When Q<R, the increase of AC field frequency leads to the decrease of the average deformation rate of single droplet and the increase of the fusion time of two droplets.
KOU Mingquan , LIU Yaolu , JIANG Youqiang , NING Huiming , HU Ning
2022, 45(12):71-81. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.257
Abstract:In order to study the feasibility of using nonlinear ultrasonic testing technology to evaluate the tensile strength of materials, nonlinear ultrasonic testing and mechanical tensile tests were carried out on 3D printing aluminum alloy materials with different forming angles. The results show that there is a strong correlation between the tensile strength, the microscopic defect ratio and the acoustic nonlinearity parameter of the material. With the increase of the microscopic defect ratio of the material, the acoustic nonlinearity parameter increases, while the tensile strength tends to decrease. Thus, the acoustic nonlinearity parameter can be used to evaluate the strength of the material. In addition, fatigue tests were carried out on 3D printing aluminum alloy specimens with different forming angles. The findings reveal that the acoustic nonlinearity parameter of the specimens after fatigue loading increases with the initiation of microcracks. Therefore, nonlinear ultrasonic testing technology can be used for mechanical performance evaluation and microcrack detection of 3D printing aluminum alloy materials.
2022, 45(12):82-93. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.12.008
Abstract:Heterogeneous semiconductors usually have better performance than homogeneous semiconductors, but the eigenstrain caused by lattice mismatch or thermal expansion of the embedded inhomogeneity has a serious impact on the overall performance of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of inhomogeneity on the full space elastic field of heterogeneous structures. According to the classical inclusion theory of Eshelby and considering the anisotropy and heterogeneity of practical semiconductor materials, an analytical model of heterogeneous structure with an ellipsoidal inhomogeneity is established based on the equivalent inclusion method and Green’s function method. In order to solve the model, the exact numerical integration of Green’s function and its derivatives in real space are derived by Fourier transform and inverse transformation, and the numerical integration expression of the elastic field in full space is obtained. The comparison of the results obtained by the proposed model with those by the finite element method and those reported in literature verifies the correctness of the model and shows the necessity of the anisotropy hypothesis. The results show that the shape change of heterogeneous inclusions changes the internal elastic field from the plane stress state to the plane strain state, and affects the strain magnitude and attenuation degree near the interface. Interestingly, when the eigenstrain only contains normal components, the final elastic field does not change with shear elastic constants of the inhomogeneity with orthotropic or higher symmetry, but it is only related to tensile elastic constants with the same changing trend.
SHANG Xiaozhuang , LIU Yaolu , ZHOU Shijie , NING Huiming , HU Ning
2022, 45(12):94-102. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.258
Abstract:Corrosion damage exists extensively in material structures in the industries, such as national defense and transportation, which threatens the safety and reliability of the structure seriously. Therefore, it is of great significance to monitor corrosion damage in materials. In this paper, based on the theory of laser ultrasound, an automatic laser scanner detection system was designed and developed. The laser scanning experiments were carried out on the corrosion damage in the aluminum plate through this system, and the relationship among the Lamb wave energy, amplitude and corrosion was analyzed. The damage area was visualized with the maximum amplitude according to the principle of “elastic wave energy flow method”. Finally, the amplitude integral ratio method was proposed, which can be used to evaluate the degree of corrosion damage. The proposed method can realize the rapid detection and evaluation of corrosion defects with the detection results being visualized, showing a great potential in application.
NIU Getu , CHEN Yan , LI Xiaolin , ZHANG Qian , WANG Qingshan , ZHANG Xin , FU Ziqi , YAN Bo
2022, 45(12):103-115. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.12.010
Abstract:With a typical section of 220 kV four circuit transmission line in West Inner Mongolia, the structural strength and fatigue life of the towers under stochastic wind are numerically studied using the finite element (FE) method. The FE model of the tower-line system is established using the ABAQUS software. Considering the topographic characteristics of the West Inner Mongolia, stochastic wind fields are simulated numerically to calculate the dynamic response of tower-line system. According to dynamic responses of the tower-line system under wind load, the dangerous zone of the tower is determined and its 3D solid FE model is set up. A hybrid FE model combining the local 3D model with the spatial beam model of the other portion of the tower is constructed. The time histories of the reaction forces at hanging points of the conductors and ground wires are applied on the hybrid FE model of the tower to simulate its dynamic responses under wind load. The structural strength and fatigue life of the tower under two stochastic wind fields and with different bolt preloads are numerically investigated. The results show that the bolt looseness obviously affects the strength and fatigue life of the tower and may be one of the main reasons of tower failure.
XU Aiming , CHEN Zhiqiang , MA Yongxing , WU Pengcheng , LI Zhengliang , WANG Zhisong
2022, 45(12):116-124. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.059
Abstract:Intensive snowfall causes heavy snow load on the roof of buildings. Meanwhile, complex migration of snow particles would occur on surface of roof due to wind, which would cause heavier snow loading on roof than design specification. Changsha airport terminal 3 has a super-large structure with a very complex shape and large-span roof. In this paper, a numerical simulation was carried out on snow loading distribution of its roof and the design value was discussed. Migration of snow particles was simulated by means of Volume of Fluid (VOF) model and volume fractions of both air and snow phase were obtained. Numerical simulation results showed that snow migration has a significant effect on snow distribution of multi-level roofs, resulting in uneven snow load distribution. Moreover, snow load envelope was designed in accordance with the specification and the snow load distribution coefficients of lobby and corridor were obtained, applicable for further structural design.
LEI Ling , NING Huiming , Alamusi , HU Ning , LAU Denvid
2022, 45(12):125-134. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.254
Abstract:A high-strength and high-modulus PVA/CNF/GO composite fiber was prepared by wet spinning and hot drawing process. The reinforcement effect of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) and graphene oxide (GO) on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber was studied, and the effects of CNF content and hot drawing temperature on the tensile properties of fibers were discussed. When the content of CNF is 6% and the content of GO is 1%, the PVA/CNF/GO composite fiber prepared by wet spinning has excellent tensile properties after three times of hot stretching treatment at 160 ℃. Its ultimate tensile strength and elastic modulus are (1.09±0.11) GPa and (21.87±3.03) GPa, respectively, which are 45% and 63% higher than those of pure PVA fiber, and 523% and 271% higher than those of PVA/CNF/GO composite fiber without hot stretching treatment. Meanwhile, the prepared composite fiber shows good biocompatibility. It can be used as surgical sutures to provide appropriate tension for tissue regeneration, demonstrating potential biological application value.
LI Ming , DENG Qian , Lü Liufei
2022, 45(12):135-142. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.12.012
Abstract:Based on nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, vibration characteristics are investigated for a fluid-conveyed single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) which is embedded in an elastic medium and subjected to a longitudinal magnetic field. Governing equations of motion are derived for vibration analysis of fluid-conveyed SWCNTs, where the Lorentz magnetic force and the surrounding elastic medium have been taken into consideration. Subsequently, differential transformation method (DTM) is employed to compute the critical fluid velocity for fluid-conveyed SWCNTs with simple supported boundary condition. The obtained results are followed by a detailed parametric study of the effects of nonlocal parameter, elastic foundation parameter and longitudinal magnetic field on the vibration of fluid-conveyed SWCNTs. Through various numerical studies, the coupling effects of nonlocal parameter, elastic foundation parameter and the strength of magnetic field on the critical fluid velocity of the fluid-conveyed SWCNT are carefully examined.
WANG Sen , WANG Jiaxu , LI Junyang , WANG Bo , LEI Yuan , WANG Cheng
2022, 45(12):143-156. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.128
Abstract:There are few studies on the influence of tooth profile parameters on the stress of composite cycloid planetary gear pair. In this study, by using the fourth-order composite cycloid as the internal tooth profile, the conjugate tooth profile was designed based on Lewis theorem, and the cycloid tooth profile was modified. Finally, the solid model was established for finite element analysis, and the effects of tooth profile parameters on the stress of compound cycloid gear were analyzed. The results show that the compound cycloidal planetary gear transmission is a multi-tooth meshing transmission. The stress distribution is the typical Hertz contact at the meshing contact position, and there is a slight stress concentration area at the tooth root. The bearing capacity of gear pair is mainly limited by the contact fatigue strength of tooth surface. If possible, a larger modulus, a larger tooth height adjustment coefficient and a smaller tooth shape adjustment coefficient should be selected to improve the bearing capacity of the gear pair.