• Volume 46,Issue 2,2023 Table of Contents
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    • >机械·电气工程
    • Lightweight design of dental casts for invisible orthodontic appliances without brackets

      2023, 46(2):1-10. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.130

      Abstract (370) HTML (843) PDF 16.14 M (567) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The lightweight of light-curing 3D printed resin dental cast was studied based on the code of design for additive manufacturing (DfAM), aiming at reducing the cost of manufacturing invisible orthodontic appliances without brackets. By using macroscopic topology optimization and matrix filling, 7 kinds of dental casts were established. Through ANSYS finite element simulation, 3 kinds of optimal dental casts were selected to conduct 3D deviation experiment, and their physical and mechanical properties under pressure were evaluated. The results show that under the premise of ensuring the manufacturing accuracy of the invisible orthodontic appliance, the mass reduction ratio of the two-dimensional honeycomb lattice filling dental cast reaches 21.67% compared with the initial dental cast, indicating that it is the best lightweight design scheme.

    • Energy management strategy analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle based on big data analysis of real vehicle tests

      2023, 46(2):11-29,42. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.129

      Abstract (479) HTML (1273) PDF 27.42 M (750) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A reverse analysis method was proposed for the energy management strategy of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with an advanced series-parallel hybrid power system. Based on the power flow and energy analysis, the test analysis process was designed. Through the real vehicle test, the dynamic performance, economic performance and performance impact analysis of the vehicle were carried out. Based on the test results, an energy management strategy of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle was developed. Finally, based on MATLAB/Simulink platform and its model library, a series parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle simulation platform based on real vehicle test big data was developed. The correctness of the proposed analysis method was verified through the comparative analysis of simulation and real vehicle test.

    • >土木·环境工程
    • Effects of drilling depth on the vibration characteristics of drill string in horizontal well of coal mine

      2023, 46(2):30-42. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.120

      Abstract (291) HTML (474) PDF 19.13 M (760) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During the drilling process in a horizontal well of a coal mine, with the increase of drilling depth, the drill string has complex collision contact with the well wall because of gravity, and the significant effect of resulting back pressure changes the dynamic characteristics of the drill string dramatically, which in turn affects the fatigue life of the drill string. In this work, based on the coupling dynamic analysis model of rock-drill bit-drill string-well wall, the longitudinal, lateral and torsional vibration characteristics of the drill string at different depths were investigated through finite element dynamic simulation, and the law of drilling process impact on the vibration characteristics of the drill string was analyzed. Our results show that as the drilling depth increased, the longitudinal bit jumping of the drill string assumed a flat, intense, and then flat again tendency, and the horizontal disturbance a small-scope creeping, large-range fluctuation, and then small-scope creeping again tendency. The proportion of violent whirling in the torsion direction increased first and then decreased. The relationship between the main dynamic indexes of drill string and drilling depth was nonlinear. Therefore, it is suggested that the dynamic analysis and optimization of the drill string system should include the entire drilling process, rather than a specific depth.

    • Pressure relief law of double upper protective layer superposition mining

      2023, 46(2):43-56. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2022.263

      Abstract (269) HTML (385) PDF 17.17 M (572) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To obtain the law of stress redistribution of coal seam under the action of overlapping mining in multi seam working face, taking Pingmei No.8 Coal Mine No.1 mining area as the prototype, the process of overlapping mining in group D and group E coal seams was simulated using FLAC3D software. The results show that the stress concentration occurs in the corresponding range of the coal pillar at the boundary of the mining area only when the coal seam in group D is mined. The maximum stress value of the coal pillar reaches 19 MPa, and the influence range is 80 m below it. The maximum stress value of the coal pillar in the section between working faces reaches 39 MPa. The pressure relief affects J group, and the stress relief value of J Group coal seam is about 1 MPa. When the D group and E group coal seams are overlapped, and when the E group working face is located under the coal pillar of the D group coal seam section, and the D group working face is located above the coal pillar of the E group working face section, the stress concentration of the coal pillar of the D group coal seam section is weakened, and the stress value of the coal pillar of the D group coal seam section is unloaded from 39 MPa to the range of 7.5 MPa to 10 MPa. At the same time, when the coal seam of group I is located in the independent protection range of group E, the vertical stress relief value is 2 MPa to 3 MPa. When the coal seam of group I is located in the joint protection range of group E, the vertical stress relief value is from 4 MPa to 6.5 MPa.

    • The phase and microstructure of lignite char at different pyrolysis temperatures

      2023, 46(2):57-66. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.265

      Abstract (274) HTML (871) PDF 9.58 M (593) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pyrolysis is an important means of lignite modification and upgrading. In order to study the changes of phase and microstructure of lignite char prepared at different pyrolysis temperatures, lignite samples from Puhe coal mine in Shenbei mining area were pyrolyzed at three pyrolysis characteristic temperatures (400, 700, 1 000℃) to prepare lignite char samples. The physicochemical structure of lignite char samples was analyzed by SEM, XRD, Raman, FT-IR, XPS, and N2 adsorption experiments. The results show that with the increase of pyrolysis temperature, the aromaticity of char sample was enhanced, while the oxygen-containing functional groups O-H, C=O and C-O of coke sample were greatly reduced. As for the surface carbonaceous functional groups, the intensity of C-C increased but the intensity of C-H decreased. At 400℃ and 700℃, the microcrystalline structure defects of coke samples increased, while at 1 000℃, the microcrystalline structure of coke sample tended to be arranged in order and changed to graphitization. The specific surface area and pore volume of coke samples first increased and then decreased with the increase of pyrolysis temperature. At 700℃, the coke sample had the largest specific surface area (117.063 7 m2/g) and pore volume (0.068 134 cm3/g). Increasing pyrolysis temperature is conducive to the development of microporous structure of coke sample.

    • An intelligent detection method for open-pit slope fracture based on the improved Mask R-CNN

      2023, 46(2):67-80. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2021.269

      Abstract (348) HTML (669) PDF 22.67 M (615) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To prevent the unexpected accidents caused by the failure of slope integrity, we propose an intelligent fracture detection algorithm based on improved Mask R-CNN which can address the limitations of traditional image processing algorithm and the poor performance of the application of the classical deep learning model directly to the open-pit mine slope crack detection. In this paper, we use the integrated features of Mask R-CNN in target detection, segmentation and location to improve the shortcomings of Mask branch, such as unclear edges and false detections, and construct a detection and segmentation framework for slope fracture images of the open-pit mine. This method introduces dilated convolution neural network and a classify segmentation iterative up-sampling operation into the mask branch, solving the problem of slope fracture mask's rough edge. Experimental results show that compared with the traditional crack segmentation algorithm, this method has higher recognition accuracy and better segmentation effect.

    • Load carrying capacity of locally compressed I-girders with rectangular concrete-filled tubular flange and corrugated web

      2023, 46(2):81-97. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2023.02.007

      Abstract (320) HTML (774) PDF 9.72 M (686) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The load carrying capacity of locally compressed I-girders with rectangular concrete-filled tubular flange and corrugated web (RCFTFG-CW) is investigated through numerical simulation method. Finite element (FE) models of steel I-girders with rectangular concrete-filled tubular flanges and corrugated web and corresponding I-girders with flat-plate flanges and corrugated web (IG-CW) under concentrated load at mid-span are built. The reliability of the presented FE models is verified through comparing the FE results with reported experimental results. Through FE analyses by using the FE models, local compressive strength, stress development, and effect of loading location on the strength are analyzed and compared. The influences of variation of geometric parameters, material properties, load distribution length (along the span of girder) and the ratio of the stretched length of the wave to the wave length on the local compressive strength are further investigated. Based on parameters analysis, formula for calculating the local compressive strength of RCFTFG-CW are proposed, and the accuracy of the formula is verified by the results of finite element analyses. The results indicate that RCFTFG-CW has a higher local compressive strength compared to that of IG-CW. The local compressive bearing capacity increases proportionally to the equivalent moment of inertial of the concrete-filled tubular flange to the 1/4 power, the thickness of the web, the ratio of the stretched length of the wave to the wave length and loading length. The presented formula are proved to be accurate to predict the local compressive strength of RCFTFG-CW.

    • Seismic performance of prefabricated pier with replaceable damper

      2023, 46(2):98-106. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2020.063

      Abstract (265) HTML (744) PDF 7.93 M (575) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to reduce the plastic seismic damage of prefabricated pier with grouting sleeve and resume the function of the pier in a timely manner, the concept of the prefabricated pier with grouting sleeve and replaceable damper was proposed. A conventional prefabricated pier with grouting sleeve and a pier with grouting sleeve and replaceable damper were analyzed using numerical modeling method. Two models were established to compare the seismic performance between the conventional pier and the bridge pier with replaceable damper. The result shows that the horizontal bearing capacity and cumulative energy dissipation of the prefabricated pier with replaceable damper are 10% and 27% higher than conventional bridge pier, respectively. The maximum residual displacement of the prefabricated pier with replaceable damper decreases by 19%. The damper can effectively control the structural dynamic responses, reducing the prefabricated pier damage.

    • Comprehensive geophysical method for shallow karst and goaf and its model test

      2023, 46(2):107-118. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2023.02.009

      Abstract (369) HTML (489) PDF 16.18 M (554) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Karst and goaf have become a hot and challenging problem in expressway construction. To accurately detect the spatial distribution and geometrical form of the karst and goaf zones under the highway, an electrical resistivity constraint inversion imaging method by using prior information obtained by the ground penetrating radar method (GPR) was employed. The conventional ERT inversion method, the GPR, and the ERT constraint inversion imaging method with prior information were used to numerically simulate common karst and mined-out geoelectrical models. Then the imaging laws of various methods in different types of karst and goaf were analyzed and summarized. Numerical simulation results show that, compared with conventional ERT inversion and GPR results, the spatial morphology of anomalous bodies using the ERT constraint inversion imaging method is closer to the real geoelectric model. It can more accurately identify the boundary. Subsequently, a model test study of karst and goaf was carried out in Zhangqiu, Shandong, and the distribution of karst and goaf zones was successfully ascertained, verifying the detection effect of the comprehensive detection method on karst and goaf areas. The proposed method provides a basis for the treatment plan of the karst and goaf under the highway foundation.

    • >Communication·Computer·Automation Engineering
    • Hypertension predicting scheme by analyzing nutritional ingredients based on xgboost model

      2023, 46(2):119-129. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2023.02.010

      Abstract (398) HTML (913) PDF 1.51 M (592) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hypertension is a common chronic disease. Early detection and early measures can reduce the risk of complications. Although the occurrence and development of hypertension are related to many factors, diet is recognized as one of the main factors affecting hypertension. Machine learning models can effectively predict the disease and provide adjuvant therapy. Accordingly, this paper proposes a scheme based on XGBoost to predict hypertension by analyzing nutritional ingredients. The scheme consists of five parts:data conversion, feature selection, data cleaning and standardization, model building, classification and evaluation. The experimental results show that XGBoost obtains an F1_score of 0.859 in the prediction of and the accuracy rate exceeds 85%, which are higher than random forests, support vector machine and artificial neural network. By analyzing the influence factors of different nutritional ingredients on the prediction of hypertension, we obtain the top 10 nutritional characteristics that affect hypertension, most of which are the same as medical conclusions, verifying the effectiveness of the model.

    • Reliability evaluation of CBTC based on cloud model and combination weighting method

      2023, 46(2):130-139. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2023.02.011

      Abstract (264) HTML (708) PDF 2.25 M (820) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since there are few reliability analysis of Communication Based Train Control System (CBTC) system, this paper presented a comprehensive evaluation method for reliability evaluation of the CBTC system based on the cloud model and the combination weighting method. Firstly, according to the structure and function of CBTC system, the functional hierarchical model of the system was established, and the subjective and objective weights of the underlying equipment were determined by the combination weighting method. The integrated weight value of the system was obtained according to the additive synthesis method. Secondly, the cloud model was used to represent the reliability of the underlying device of the CBTC system. Finally, the similarity between the CBTC system reliability comprehensive index new cloud and the reliability evaluation set cloud model of virtual cloud computing was compared to obtain the final evaluation result. The results show that the CBTC system reliability evaluation method based on cloud model and combination weighting method can correctly and objectively describe the ability of CBTC system to complete the specified functions, which can be used for the research and development and evaluation of CBTC system.

    • Analysis of real eigenstates and zero phase angle of wireless power transfer system

      2023, 46(2):140-148. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2023.02.012

      Abstract (349) HTML (690) PDF 3.69 M (789) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The energy efficiency of the magnetically coupled wireless energy transmission system is greatly affected by the distance between the primary and secondary coils. In the over-coupled state, the energy efficiency will decrease as the transmission distance decreases due to the frequency splitting of the system. In this paper, the actual eigenstate working conditions of the system are obtained through the eigenmode theory so that the system can ensure maximum energy efficiency in the over-coupling region and the similating betewwn the actual eigenstate and the real eigenstate is compared from the perspective of the zero phase angle point. Thus, frequency tracking is used to make the system maintain constant power and constant efficiency output in the over coupling region. Finally, the correctness of the calculation results in this paper is verified by simulation.

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