• Volume 32,Issue 3,2023 Table of Contents
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    • >新思想指引新征程
    • The spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress into the four-dimensional path of college students’ daily ideological and political education

      2023, 32(3):1-10. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.001

      Abstract (225) HTML (185) PDF 1.34 M (800) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Daily ideological and political education is an effective channel for implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and promoting it into the mind, heart and practice. To fully integrate the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into the daily ideological and political education of college students, we should focus on the content, the subject, the way and the channel of integration, and solve practical problems such as what to integrate, who to integrate and how to integrate. We should incorporate the principles, doctrines, and philosophies of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and enhance its penetrating power; It is necessary to stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the subject of education, improve the dynamic ability of willing to integrate, able to integrate and good integration, and enhance the integration power of the subject of education; It should conform to the cognitive schema, respect the acceptance psychology, connect with daily life, improve the embodiment, interaction and routinization of the integration, and enhance the acceptance of the object of education; We should rely on all-directional, whole-process and all-weather integration of daily education management, campus cultural activities, and virtual cyberspace to enhance the radiation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

    • >高等教育发展与改革
    • College teachers’ teaching ability ascending: concept, targets and multiple paths

      2023, 32(3):11-20. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.002

      Abstract (261) HTML (472) PDF 4.12 M (413) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is imperative to improve the teaching competence of teachers in colleges and universities, but there are still many problems for front-line teachers in different stages and states. From the perspective of the front-line teachers in colleges and universities, the concept of "teaching competence of college teachers" is defined according to the boundary definition method, that is, the competence of the front-line teachers in colleges and universities to complete the teaching design, teaching implementation and evaluation of teaching, and their own teaching expertise, including knowledge, skills and attitudes. This competence has a multi-level upgrade space from novice level to advanced beginner level, competent level, proficient level and expert level, which includes both gradient and mutation. Based on the task characteristics and personal characteristics, we construct the multi-level goal of improving the teaching competence of college teachers, that is, to improve the teaching design, implementation and evaluation ability, as well as to strengthen the knowledge base, develop multi-skills and establish a professional attitude. Combining relevant policies, theories and the author’s practice, the paper points out the influences of the multiple paths on improving teaching competence, and analyzes the applicability of teaching competence improving paths to teachers at different levels.

    • A dual path study on the improvement of the job performance of the new generation teachers

      2023, 32(3):21-31. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.003

      Abstract (161) HTML (362) PDF 1.41 M (329) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Private education is an integral part of the socialist education cause. Teachers born in the 1980s and 1990s are the mainstay of the teaching team. They have strong scientific and innovative literacy and ability, and are the "new generation" group in the teaching team. In the development process of private universities, due to factors such as instability and low level of social security, there is a high turnover rate of teachers, as well as an unstable and insufficient teaching staff. Helping private universities improve the stability of their teaching staff and organizational identity has become an urgent problem that private universities need to solve. Based on self-consistency theory and social identity theory, this study constructs a dual path hypothesis model for the impact of work values on job performance. In the survey of teachers from three representative private colleges in Yunnan, to avoid homologous variance, two surveys are conducted at two time points, 253 valid samples of new generation teachers are successfully matched, and confirmatory factor analysis and hypothesis testing are conducted using statistical software such as Amos and SPSS. The results show that work values have a significant positive impact on job performance, professional identity, and organizational identification. Professional identity and organizational identification play a dual mediating role between work values and job performance. From the management level, it is proposed that private colleges and universities should respect the work values of the new generation teachers, select teachers with positive work values, create a good organizational environment, and improve the teacher incentive mechanism, to enhance the professional identity and organizational identification of the new generation teachers, thereby improving the job performance of the new generation teachers, and stabilizing the teacher team.

    • >新工科建设
    • Construction of cultivating system of intelligent construction specialty in agricultural and forestry universities

      2023, 32(3):32-38. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.004

      Abstract (126) HTML (272) PDF 2.90 M (269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The demand for compound talents in the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry promotes the development of intelligent construction based on the background of Industry 4.0. In response to the national development strategy, this paper describes the problems existing in the talent cultivating system of intelligent construction specialty at present, summarizes the problems and possible solutions in teaching team, curriculum system and practice platform, and discusses how to establish an intelligent construction specialty with agricultural and forestry characteristics through interdisciplinary cooperation. With civil engineering as the main body, combined with urban and rural planning, computer science and technology, etc., a multi-disciplinary organic integration is carried out to form a curriculum system of intelligent surveying and mapping, intelligent design, intelligent equipment and construction, intelligent monitoring and operation and maintenance with rural houses as the main body. It is divided into four course group modules, including 14 courses and 10 training projects. In the courses and training projects, there are characteristic modules of rural dwellings. This paper expounds the teaching mode, teaching content and teaching method of the main course group of intelligent construction specialty. It discusses how to construct the training system of intelligent construction specialty in agricultural and forestry universities from three aspects: forming teaching team, enriching theoretical teaching and broadening practical teaching. Based on the training orientation of the university, this paper highlights the characteristics of agriculture and forestry and proposes the construction of the cultivating system of intelligent construction specialty in agricultural and forestry universities. Through innovative design of theory and teaching practice, a replicable and practicable mode of better training effect could be achieved.

    • Exploration of "one center, three synergies" talent training system for intelligent construction—Take Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology as an example

      2023, 32(3):39-44. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.005

      Abstract (212) HTML (228) PDF 1.65 M (311) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the guidance of the national "double carbon" strategy and high-quality development goals, the coordinated development of intelligent construction and new building industrialization has become an inevitable choice for the transformation and upgrading of China’s construction industry. The corresponding demand for intelligent construction talents is urgent. It has become an important task and challenge for relevant colleges and universities to cultivate innovative intelligent construction talents to adapt to the future development needs of the construction industry and meet the needs of industrial transformation and upgrading. Local colleges and universities are important forces to cultivate intelligent construction talents. However, in the process of intelligent construction talent training, local colleges and universities generally have difficulties such as the lack of engineering practice experience in the teaching staff, the difficulty of setting up a multi-disciplinary interdisciplinary curriculum system, the difficulty of multi-professional organization and coordination, and the difficulty of talent introduction and training. It is urgent for local colleges and universities to solve the problem of how to base on their own school running characteristics, make full use of superior resources to overcome the above difficulties, take students as the center, reasonably position talent training objectives, refine distinctive school running characteristics, and establish a high-quality talent training system. Focusing on improving students’ comprehensive ability and professional competence, the "one center, three synergies" talent training system for intelligent construction professionals, which is driven by "Modern Industry College", "Virtual Teaching and Research Office" and "Engineering Research Center", is an effective exploration of the pain points of intelligent construction talent training in local colleges and universities. Taking the specific practice of the "one center, three synergies" intelligent construction professional training system of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology as an example, this paper expounds the connotation, characteristics and specific implementation path of the system, with a view to providing referential experience for the construction of intelligent construction specialty, the upgrading and transformation of civil engineering specialty, talent training and the collaborative education of schools and enterprises in other local universities.

    • Comparative study of engineering learning modes in Chinese and American universities: A case study of Olin College of Engineering and Robotics Union Academy Guangdong-Hong Kong

      2023, 32(3):45-55. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.006

      Abstract (127) HTML (212) PDF 1.54 M (279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The engineering learning mode is a structured learning activity created for learning communities to provide meaningful learning experiences and to cultivate engineering and technology innovation and entrepreneurship talents for the intelligent information era. The knowledge production mode and learning science theory of universities jointly constitute the theoretical basis of the engineering learning mode. Therefore, based on the perspective of the learning ecosystem, a systematic study of the engineering learning mode was conducted, taking Olin College of Engineering and Robotics Union Academy Guangdong-Hong Kong as the objects of study. By comparing the similarities and differences between the engineering education modes in China and the United States, it was found that the logical starting points of the engineering learning mode lies in interdisciplinary integration, industry-university-research integration, and the unification of knowledge and practice. Drawing on the engineering education mode of Olin College, new strategies were proposed to promote the sustainable development of the new engineering learning mode in China to provide theoretical guidance and practical reference for the construction of new engineering disciplines.

    • Thinking and practice on the innovation course of intelligent building under the background of new engineering

      2023, 32(3):56-62. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.007

      Abstract (170) HTML (550) PDF 1.33 M (353) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The implementation of the "new engineering" strategy is an important measure for China to cope with the global competition and promote the creation of a higher education power. For positive response to the national major development strategy, following the industry development trend, Tianjin university is seizing the opportunity to offer the intelligent building major on its advantage in disciplines of building environment and energy application engineering, electrical automation, etc. By building a teaching mode of mutual penetration and cross integration among disciplines, the aim is to cultivate talents that meet the needs of national development strategy. Since the intelligent building major of Tianjin University is still in its infancy and has not been widely recognized by students of other majors, it is of great significance to open a public elective course that can provide course selection for students of multiple colleges. In intelligent building course construction, the modular curriculum system is taken to design the focus of different teaching stage and intensive content. Combined with innovative teaching materials, theory teaching of technology application prospect and regression technical principle of practice teaching, supplemented with joint teaching by teachers with different research direction and professional background, the multidisciplinary integration curriculum features is interpreted, and the industry development and practical key points are paid attention to in the process of teaching. Through the analysis of curriculum organization mode, teaching arrangement and curriculum evaluation, the hybrid teaching mode for the intelligent building innovative course is put forward, the modular multi-dimensional cross course system and multi-disciplinary integration education platform are constructed, and the innovative talent training mode of mixed teaching is established.

    • >专业建设与人才培养
    • Research on the construction path of engineering cost professional talent ability standard: Taking Tianjin University of Technology as an example

      2023, 32(3):63-74. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.008

      Abstract (129) HTML (367) PDF 1.98 M (390) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To improve the ability of personnel training is an important content of new engineering construction, and engineering construction field needs more engineering personnel engaged in project decision-making and whole-process cost management. The development trend of cost informatization and big data sharing, as well as new technologies and new methods in the field of engineering cost make the training of engineering cost professionals face huge challenges. The knowledge structure and ability standard of traditional engineering cost professionals can not make dynamic adjustment in time according to the market demand. Therefore, constructing the ability standard of engineering cost professionals is an important guarantee to improve the training quality of engineering cost professionals and meet the needs of industry development. Engineering cost major in Tianjin University of Technology is actively responding to the requirements of the new engineering education reform, and giving full play to the bridge rule of domestic cost association between university and industry market, according to domestic cost engineer practice range and the required professional skills, to establish an escalating ability structure about "ability of measurement and valuation–ability of bidding and contract management–capability on project feasibility study and investment". Learning from the outcomes-based education, the concept of "output oriented", "student centered" and "continuous improvement" runs through the whole process of talent training, guided by the industry market demand and students’ future job competency expectations. Reconstructing the relationship between "school-society, professional-industry, teacher-student" to promote the transformation of new engineering construction from theory to practice. In terms of teaching, it implements the principle of "indomitable", that is, the combination of curriculum theory teaching and workshop practice teaching to form a new teaching model that deeply integrates knowledge structure and ability training, so as to ensure the systematization and coherence of talent training. Finally, Assessment of professional competence is set to comprehensively evaluate students’ professional ability.

    • Research on the training path of architectural talents based on mining characteristics: take China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) as an example

      2023, 32(3):75-83. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.009

      Abstract (143) HTML (393) PDF 5.48 M (302) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Architecture in mining universities faces with many problems such as the vague positioning of existing major, the aging curriculum system, the single talent cultivation mode, the lack of foreign cooperation and exchange, and the lack of innovative courses, teaching material resources, teaching and research teams, innovation platform construction, and capital investment with mining characteristics, so the cultivation paths of interdisciplinary talents are carried out in architecture of mining universities. Combining with the characteristics and advantageous disciplines of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), with the goal of combining general education with specialized education and distinctive mining characteristics, a trinity training framework is established that combines theoretical teaching, practical teaching, and independent research and learning. Based on the main line of compound, innovative, comprehensive, professional, and practical talent cultivation, the cultivation paths of comprehensive talents with a broad foundation of general education and solid practical operation ability with mining characteristics are explored in six aspects, such as the construction of a one axis and two wings curriculum system with mining characteristics, the construction of a comprehensive teaching and research team, the construction of a multi-channel collaborative education platform, the development of intelligent cloud teaching resources and the implementation of multi-level security measures, aiming to provide new ideas for the development of architecture in mining universities.

    • Exploration and practice of cultivating entrepreneurship and innovation talents in architecture with CDIO concept

      2023, 32(3):84-92. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.010

      Abstract (86) HTML (395) PDF 4.59 M (272) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The reform of entrepreneurship and innovation talent training mode is the realistic demand of the implementation of national talent strategy. However, there are still many difficulties in the practice of talent training, such as the separation of training courses from the professional curriculum system, the unicity of the subjects of education, insufficient practical resources, and the lack of integration between in-class and out-of-class teaching. Taking the undergraduate education of architecture as a case, we integrate the engineering education concept of conceive–design–implement–operate (CDIO) into the teaching practice and explore the cultivation path of entrepreneurship and innovation talents. On the basis of clarifying the goals and vision of talent cultivation, we propose a modular curriculum system of "professional design + entrepreneurship and innovation training + discipline competition + social practice" which closely combines the design of the curriculum with the actual project of teachers, to realize the improvement of "thinking and consciousness cultivation + market cognition + professional skills + comprehensive quality" of the students. In the organization of the teaching process, we propose a learning task system of "innovative thinking and consciousness training–market and event cognition–field research–team counseling", an experiential teaching context combining interactive virtual simulation and real project experience, and a competition-oriented teaching methods to achieve the innovation of teaching methods and teaching ideas. Finally, we conclude that a multi-collaboration support system should be built to ensure the sustainability of the training mode, such as building a collaboration base with local government and enterprises to provide students with an operable project platform and a positive innovation environment, introducing enterprise mentors and industry pioneers into the system to build a comprehensive joint teaching team, and establishing cross-disciplinary project groups to incubate high-level projects.

    • >教学成果与经验交流
    • Thinking about the reform of architecture professional knowledge system and research-oriented curriculum system

      2023, 32(3):93-99. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.011

      Abstract (160) HTML (360) PDF 1.58 M (282) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The construction of interdisciplinary professional curriculum is the key to cultivating innovative talents, and it is also the key and difficulty of China’s current professional education reform. Based on the current general understanding of the construction of the new engineering curriculum system, this paper, through in-depth analysis of the characteristics of knowledge transmission and the composition of professional knowledge system under the background of contemporary information technology, proposes that in the face of the trend of professional knowledge transforming from tree structure to network structure, a cross-disciplinary professional curriculum system should be built based on problem orientation, so as to truly realize the student-centered and innovation-oriented teaching objectives. Taking the curriculum reform of architecture as an example, this paper proposes a concept of constructing a "networked structure" professional curriculum system with innovation ability as the core from the aspects of building a general education curriculum system for senior students, planning cutting-edge topics, and research-oriented professional courses based on teacher-student cooperation. In order to cope with the profound changes in future professional education, it is necessary to set up specialized training directions based on the characteristics of subject research and the research and practical expertise of teachers, and construct corresponding research-oriented curriculum systems that integrate undergraduate and master’s degrees. Through the construction of a multi-disciplinary and composite "dual teacher" teaching team for the architecture profession, we will introduce high-level enterprise teachers to fundamentally solve the problem of the disconnect between architecture education and industry development needs, to ensure the effective response of the architecture education system to future knowledge updates and rapid industry development and changes.

    • Research and practice of cross-disciplinary education system for civil engineering graduate students

      2023, 32(3):100-106. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.012

      Abstract (148) HTML (131) PDF 3.34 M (307) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Composite and internationalized talents with a large-scale engineering perspective have become the target requirement for graduate education in civil engineering. This paper aims to explore a cross-disciplinary education system for graduate students in civil engineering. Taking the graduate education program in civil engineering at Chongqing University as an example, through target requirement analysis, a favorable multi-disciplinary integration environment for graduate education is constructed, and a cross-disciplinary education system for graduate students in civil engineering is established based on empowering civil engineering with wisdom and cross-disciplinary integration. Through more than ten years of reform and practice, innovative concepts, modes, and systems are developed, and outstanding achievements are made in talent cultivation quality, cultivation capacity, and teaching reform. Empowering civil engineering with wisdom and innovating construction assistance effectively promote the innovative ability and international perspective of graduate students in civil engineering, the composite development of graduate education from traditional civil engineering to smart construction has been achieved, and a new direction for the education reform of civil engineering graduate students has been opened up.

    • >专业学位与研究生教育
    • Exploration and practice of postgraduate supervisor team training model in the field of deep rock mechanics and underground engineering

      2023, 32(3):107-113. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.013

      Abstract (135) HTML (164) PDF 1.91 M (212) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Supervisor is the first responsible person for postgraduate education, who shoulders the noble mission to cultivate high-level innovative talents for the country. However, with the expansion of graduate enrollment scale, the traditional single-supervisor model has been difficult to adapt to the urgent requirements of cultivating high-level innovative talents, then the supervisor-team model comes into being. In this paper, the limitations of single-supervisor model in ideological and political education, innovation ability and international vision training are firstly analyzed. Then, taking postgraduate training in the field of deep rock mechanics and underground engineering in China University of Mining and Technology as an example, ideas on how to build and manage postgraduate supervisor-team are put forward. Finally, from the aspects of national feelings, innovation mind, practical ability, international perspective, and harmonious atmosphere of graduate students, the measures of the supervisor team to improve the quality of talent training are analyzed, which can provide reference for similar colleges and universities to cultivate the innovation capability of postgraduates.

    • Exploration on the training mode of professional master’s degree students for local economic development

      2023, 32(3):114-121. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.014

      Abstract (146) HTML (337) PDF 1.96 M (257) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the school’s talent training concept and professional master training objectives, the training mode of professional master degree graduates (referred to as "professional master") should be based on the professional level of the school and serve the needs of local economic development. Taking the training mode of professional master of civil engineering in Taiyuan University of Technology as the research object, under the background of the annual increase of national professional master enrollment plan and the continuous improvement of training quality, this paper analyzes and summarizes the current situation of enrollment and training of professional master—the stubborn problem of "emphasizing academic degree and neglecting professional degree", the unstable problem of "more first choice, less regulation", the inertial concept of "deep theory, shallow practice" and the diversion situation of "campus tight, enterprise loose". In combination with the overall development level and training target orientation of the civil engineering major in local area, some feasible measures and suggestions are put forward in terms of school/college professional master enrollment/transference policy, thesis topic selection and the whole process of ideological and political education, selection and management of campus tutors, selection and assessment of enterprise tutors, etc. The author analyzes the case study of the three-year training mode of professional master. Years of practice has shown that the training effect is good, and it can provide references for similar engineering professional master training mode.

    • >思政课程与课程思政
    • Research on ideological and political teaching reform of the conservation techniques of architectural heritage course

      2023, 32(3):122-131. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.015

      Abstract (149) HTML (360) PDF 4.59 M (270) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ideological and political construction is the focus point of education reform in professional curriculum in colleges and universities in China. The integration of ideological and political elements into knowledge teaching and ability training of professional courses can not only increase the breadth and depth of students’ professional knowledge, but also play a leading role in shaping their correct world outlook, and outlook on life and values. Through summarizing the content and characteristics of the postgraduate course of conservation techniques of architectural heritage in School of Architecture, Southeast University, this paper discusses the teaching design and construction ideas of ideological and political education in this course. The proposed teaching mode and method can lay the foundation for the construction of the ideological and political teaching system of the conservation techniques of architectural heritage course, and play a positive role in promoting the training of professionals in the direction of architectural heritage conservation.

    • Research and application of ideological and political elements in college professional courses

      2023, 32(3):132-138. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.016

      Abstract (169) HTML (396) PDF 3.37 M (220) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Curriculum based ideological and political education and ideological and political education are systematic education projects. Ideological and political education is the key of moral education and the foundation of higher education. Curriculum based ideological and political education is the focus of moral education and the soul of higher education and it is an effective way to cultivate high-quality talents with both political integrity and professional competence. By exploring issues such as the lack of ideological and political education in professional courses teachers lack of ideological and political literacy and students lack of guidance of ideological and political education scientifically designing teaching projects taking projects as the support and selecting ideological and political elements in engineering major courses this paper explores the path of ideological and political transformation in professional courses. Through comprehensively and systematically implementing curriculum based ideological and political education from multiple perspectives integrating ideological and political elements in professional courses into classroom teaching,and it increase professional courses interest of students,so we truly achieve the goal of professional knowledge and moral education going in the same direction cultivating socialist builders own souls and professional knowledge.

    • Educational reform and curriculum-based ideological and political education of the course of air conditioning

      2023, 32(3):139-145. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.017

      Abstract (157) HTML (166) PDF 1.29 M (242) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the background of new engineering construction, the multi-level connotative education reform and practice is conducted, represented by the course of air conditioning, which is the core course of energy and power engineering in Harbin University of Commerce. The main contents of the reform include multi-dimensional interdisciplinary integration of theoretical course system, innovation and exploration improvement of practice teaching system, the construction of teaching materials and the revision of the syllabus, and the reform of teaching skills and examination methods. Construction of curriculum-based accurate ideological and political education is carried out, focusing on enhancing students’ comprehensive quality. After three years of teaching reform and exploration, the course system of air conditioning has been innovated, and the cultivation quality of high-quality talents has been significantly promoted for energy and power engineering major.

    • Exploration and practice of curriculum-based ideological and political education on civil engineering construction

      2023, 32(3):146-152. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.018

      Abstract (198) HTML (298) PDF 1.29 M (551) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on an in-deep understanding of the connotation of curriculum-based ideological and political education, the ideological and political elements of engineering courses and their implementation methods, combined with the characteristics and education objectives of civil engineering major, five ideological and political education objectives are proposed for the course of civil engineering construction. According to the content of the course, the integration points of these ideological and political elements and their corresponding knowledge or ability objectives are designed, so value guidance, knowledge learning and ability training are integrated. Measures are presented for the implementation of curriculum-based ideological and political education objectives from four aspects: construction of teaching team, exploration of curriculum-based ideological and political elements, innovation of teaching methods and improvement of curriculum learning evaluation system.

    • >课程建设与教学改革
    • The teaching system optimization of history of Chinese landscape architecture from the perspective of synergy theory

      2023, 32(3):153-162. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.019

      Abstract (111) HTML (193) PDF 20.16 M (293) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:History of Chinese landscape architecture, as the core course of landscape architecture major (LA), has the important value of exploring ceaseless history to inspire the future. However, the teaching system needs to be optimized under the background that the connotation and extension of LA are constantly expanding. Through investigation and analysis, the current teaching of this course has some practical problems, such as the outline framework of "strain at a gnat and swallow a camel", case analysis of "emotion to reason split", and teaching method of "heavy emphasis on teaching and light practice". Based on the perspective of synergy theory, this paper proposes to optimize the teaching system by means of optimizing the knowledge structure of the three departments, deepening the cognitive mode through the integration of emotion and reason, and forming historical thinking through related practice. Through the feedback of teaching practice results, it is believed that the students can break through the traditional perspective to pay attention to the overall environment, the passive and receptive learning mode is fundamentally changed, and the construction and implementation of the progressive practice system promotes the formation of their historical thinking of landscape architecture.

    • Bayesian extension of the teaching content of the course of reinforced concrete structural design principles based on ontology

      2023, 32(3):163-170. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.020

      Abstract (98) HTML (148) PDF 2.39 M (236) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The course of reinforced concrete structure design principles has the characteristics of multiple concepts, contents, symbols and formulas. How to effectively study, teach and expand this course has become the key for the teaching reform of reinforced concrete structure design principles. The philosophical concept of ontology and the modeling steps of ontology model are introduced, the main teaching contents of the course are integrated with ontology, and the refined ontology model for the main teaching contents of the course is constructed. Considering that Bayesian thinking can update and improve people’s understanding of the objective world, based on the ontology models of the main teaching content for the course, with the relevant information of the service reinforced concrete components, Bayesian method is used to expand the ontology models, which can deepen students’ mastery and understanding for the course contents, improve students’ professional cognitive ability and teachers’ teaching quality, and provide a new teaching method for related courses of civil engineering.

    • Action research on teaching reform of composite structures course and cultivation of critical thinking ability

      2023, 32(3):171-181. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.021

      Abstract (108) HTML (486) PDF 1.71 M (308) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Critical thinking ability is an important part of the training program of new engineering talents. Traditional teaching mode of the course of composite structures focuses on knowledge transfer and this mode limits students to passive learning—"blind acceptance and imitation" and "cramming". This is contrary to the educational ideology of civil engineering education certification at undergraduate level. Based on the teaching content of composite structures, this paper conducts an action research on the mechanism of improving the critical thinking ability of undergraduate students majoring in civil engineering from the aspects of teaching design, teaching method and learning performance evaluation. The teaching contents are selected from the practical problems encountered in the course of composite structures. We analyze, evaluate and reflect upon the teaching and learning process in the form of learning community. From the perspective of simulating practical engineering application, to analyze learning performance evaluation, comparative teaching method is used in classroom teaching to guide and train students to identify, analyze, evaluate and predict engineering problems holistically, which is an effective way to improve the comprehensive quality of undergraduate students in civil engineering.

    • Constructing a "four combinations" teaching mode to strengthen engineering ability training: Taking curriculum construction of basic principles of concrete structure for example

      2023, 32(3):182-189. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.022

      Abstract (122) HTML (287) PDF 1.65 M (404) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Benchmarking standards of first-class curriculum construction, starting from the four dimensions of teaching team, teaching methods, evaluation and quality management, adhering to the "trinity" engineering education concept of student-centered, OBE and continuous improvement, students’ engineering ability training is highlighted and strengthened. Through construction and precise implementation of the "four combination" teaching mode in the course of "basic principles of concrete structure", which including "dual-qualification teaching team combined inside and outside, blended teaching of online and offline integration, guiding mode combining task and guidance, quality monitoring and feedback mechanism based on the combination of assessment and evaluation", remarkable teaching results and the curriculum objectives have been achieved in 2017 and 2018 academic year, which provides a basis for the construction and continuous reform of related courses.

    • >实践教学与创新教育
    • The difficulties and countermeasures for practical teaching of building electromechanical specialty in application-oriented universities

      2023, 32(3):190-198. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.023

      Abstract (104) HTML (200) PDF 1.32 M (310) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the training of building electromechanical professionals in application-oriented colleges and universities, practical teaching plays an important role, which is directly related to the training quality of building electromechanical professionals and the development future of the school. Based on the analysis of the professional characteristics and practical teaching status of building electromechanical specialty in application-oriented universities, this paper points out the difficulties faced by application-oriented universities in practical teaching of building electromechanical specialty. Based on the analysis of the training mode of building electromechanical talents in some application-oriented universities and the survey of social satisfaction with building electromechanical talents, this paper points out the shortcomings of application-oriented universities in training building electromechanical talents currently. Combined with the training objectives of building electromechanical talents formulated by application-oriented universities, this paper explores the countermeasures and methods to solve the above problems in the process of training building electromechanical talents in application-oriented universities, and proves the effectiveness of the methods by application practice.

    • Practice and research on multi-school graduation design of building electricity and intelligence

      2023, 32(3):199-206. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.024

      Abstract (142) HTML (515) PDF 2.65 M (383) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Graduation design plays a very important role in cultivating the ability of building electricity and intelligence students to comprehensively use the basic theory, basic knowledge, basic skills and solve practical problems. Multi-school graduation design can not only promote the communication between universities, but also strengthen the construction of a major and expand its influence. Based on the analysis of the eight-year practice of teaching mode of joint graduation design of building electricity and intelligence, this paper discusses the interactive teaching practice among colleges and enterprises, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for the existing problems, so as to promote the mutual benefit between teachers and students, implement the concept of sharing educational resources, realize the mutual benefit and win-win situation of multiple institutions, and promote the innovation of multi-dimensional practice teaching mode of collaborative education.

    • Exploration on architectural design teaching of urban and rural planning specialty focusing on holistic thinking cultivation

      2023, 32(3):207-213. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1005-2909.2023.03.025

      Abstract (131) HTML (313) PDF 1.63 M (279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Architectural design course is a basic content of the teaching of urban and rural planning specialty. After urban and rural planning has become a national first-class discipline, the teaching content and methods of architectural design should be improved to meet the needs of talent training of urban and rural planning specialty. Taking the second-year design course of urban and rural planning of Northern University of Technology as an example, this paper concludes the problems in the students’ design process, such as insufficient environmental analysis, lack of overall design concept and insufficient training of logical analysis ability, and puts forward the reform direction of strengthening process teaching focusing on the cultivation of holistic thinking. The course establishes the holistic design concept with the spatial form design as the core and the analysis of natural environment and humanistic environment as the starting point. On this basis, the course refines the teaching theme, improves the topic setting, and carries out teaching around the core elements such as environment, behavior, function and spatial design. At the same time, in order to cultivate students’ logical thinking ability and scientific analysis ability, the course adjusts the teaching process and organization methods, clarifies the teaching main line, strengthens the phased and hierarchical teaching organization form, and applies a variety of interactive communication modes to the teaching process.

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