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    Organizer:Ministry of Education
    Sponsor:ChongQing University
    ISSN: 1008-5831
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    Volume 25,Issue 2,2019 Table of Contents

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    A mechanism of income apportionment for the cooperation between rural credit and agricultural insurance: Based on Shapley value in cooperative game
      PENG Xiaobing and ZHU Jiang
      2019,25(2):1-13 [Abstract(877)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (877)]
    Multidimensional poverty and technical efficiency of coarse cereals production: Based on the micro-data analysis of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture
      XU Tao, SHI Yuxing, CHIEN Hsiaoping, QIAO Dan and ZHAO Minjuan
      2019,25(2):14-27 [Abstract(809)]  [View PDF 1.89 M (1010)]
    Research on regional differences of agricultural scientific and technological innovation performance in China: Based on the innovation performance of agricultural research institutions
      LIU Min and WAN Lijuan
      2019,25(2):28-36 [Abstract(908)]  [View PDF 1.22 M (1061)]


    Financial inclusion and income equality: Based on the perspective of cross-national research
      CHENG Xiangbin, ZHANG Xiaobin and YANG Wen
      2019,25(2):37-48 [Abstract(834)]  [View PDF 1.67 M (828)]


    A study on the total factor productivity and its influence factors of the manufacturing industry in China
      GUO Chunna
      2019,25(2):49-58 [Abstract(914)]  [View PDF 1.28 M (922)]
    Social responsibility, political connections and diversification strategy: Evidence from listed private enterprises in China
      FENG Yedong and SONG Zengji
      2019,25(2):59-74 [Abstract(945)]  [View PDF 1.60 M (1028)]
    A micro-consideration of the third income distribution under the intermediate income stage: A sample of the background of CEO education of listed companies
      WANG Jun, LIU Yulin and LI Zhou
      2019,25(2):75-88 [Abstract(726)]  [View PDF 1.46 M (803)]


    Research on the phenomenon of applying for the talents programs at the upper age limit: Taking Changjiang Scholars Program and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars as examples
      LI Feng, WEI Yujie and SUN Mengyuan
      2019,25(2):89-99 [Abstract(1065)]  [View PDF 2.49 M (270)]
    Evaluation of academic journal columns in China based on citation analysis
      ZANG Lijuan and TANG Zhengui
      2019,25(2):100-114 [Abstract(985)]  [View PDF 1.69 M (772)]


    The problem and crux of social governance penalization
      XU Wei
      2019,25(2):115-123 [Abstract(932)]  [View PDF 1.50 M (854)]
    The choice and bounds of the theoretical basis ofcriminalization
      YAO Wanqin
      2019,25(2):124-131 [Abstract(764)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (787)]
    Research on the instruction system of criminal jury: On the perfection of the instructions of people's jurors in China's criminal proceedings
      LIU Meixiang and SUN Mingze
      2019,25(2):132-144 [Abstract(962)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (771)]
    The investigation method of arbitration agreement
      LIN Yang
      2019,25(2):145-154 [Abstract(901)]  [View PDF 1.22 M (783)]


    The value analysis of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
      DING Guangli
      2019,25(2):155-167 [Abstract(1042)]  [View PDF 1.91 M (957)]
    Xi Jinping's moral education thought on traditional culture and its contemporary value
      PENG Yuanyuan, PU Qingping and MENG Xiaojun
      2019,25(2):168-179 [Abstract(885)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (994)]


    The evolution of college students' motivation to join the Party in the past 40 years of reform and opening up and its enlightenment for education
      YANG Shouhong and YANG Conglin
      2019,25(2):180-189 [Abstract(1157)]  [View PDF 1.49 M (1152)]
    The “changes” and “invariance” of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the era of big data
      ZHANG Cuiying and XIE Shoucheng
      2019,25(2):190-198 [Abstract(824)]  [View PDF 1.13 M (1104)]
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