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    Organizer:Ministry of Education
    Sponsor:ChongQing University
    ISSN: 1008-5831
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    Volume 17,Issue 6,2011 Table of Contents

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      2011,17(6):0-2 [Abstract(1420)]  [View PDF 363.02 K (1362)]
    Research on Village Change During Agricultural Modernization Process Based on the Case Investigation of Sanyuanzhu in Shouguang of Shandong Province
      ZHANG Hong
      2011,17(6):11-16 [Abstract(1975)]  [View PDF 1.37 M (1017)]
    The Spatial Diffusion and Convergence of Urban Housing Price in the Pearl River Delta
      LI Jin-tao and LI Hong-bo
      2011,17(6):17-23 [Abstract(2562)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (869)]
    Analysis of Farm Households’ Financing Preference and Causes
      KONG Rong,YI Ming-hui and SHANG Zong-yuan
      2011,17(6):24-29 [Abstract(1990)]  [View PDF 1.47 M (888)]
    VAR Model Based on Sub-loan Crisis and the Closing Price of China’s Eight Major Sectors of the Contagion Effect of Fluctuations in Test
      FU Qiang and WANG Jun-sheng
      2011,17(6):30-38 [Abstract(1775)]  [View PDF 3.27 M (820)]
    An Empirical Study on the Fluctuations of Stock Returns in Real Estate Listed Companies in China
      CAO Guo-hua and HE Yan
      2011,17(6):39-46 [Abstract(2318)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (997)]
    Capital Chain,Marketability Value and Stock’s Short-term Return Analysis
      ZHANG Pu,WU Chong-feng and ZHANG Ming-yu
      2011,17(6):47-54 [Abstract(1889)]  [View PDF 1.34 M (884)]
    Research on Functions of Industry Associations under Multi-Perspectives:Analysis Based on Institutional Theory
      ZHENG Xiao-yong,ZHAO Li-long and CHEN Xue-guang
      2011,17(6):55-64 [Abstract(1728)]  [View PDF 2.52 M (854)]
    Research on Real Estate Project Success Criteria System
      CAO Xiao-lin and HU Jie-kun
      2011,17(6):65-68 [Abstract(1945)]  [View PDF 971.80 K (812)]
    An Empirical Research on Ownership Property and Earnings Management Based on the Principle of Ultimate Ownership
      RAO Xi,YAN Guo-wan and KANG Kang
      2011,17(6):69-73 [Abstract(1729)]  [View PDF 1011.68 K (859)]
    Coordination of Construction Process Based on Compensation Mechanism and Shapley Value Benefit Sharing
      ZHONG Bo-tao,DING Lie-yun,YU Ming-hui and ZHOU Ying
      2011,17(6):74-78 [Abstract(2352)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (828)]
    The Studies outside China on the Relation of Economic Status and Subjective
      ZHANG Ai-lian
      2011,17(6):79-83 [Abstract(3708)]  [View PDF 892.68 K (1026)]
    Comparison of the Citations Statistic Analysis Functions between Google Scholar and CCD: Analysis Based on the Joural Citations
      QIU Jun-ping and WEN Fang-fang
      2011,17(6):84-89 [Abstract(2241)]  [View PDF 1.37 M (1032)]
    Research on Information Communication of Printed Publication Pointed to Cognitive Individual
      HONG Ying
      2011,17(6):90-95 [Abstract(1972)]  [View PDF 1.29 M (843)]
    Problems and Solutions in the Exercise of Commercial Forest Rights
      LIU Dan
      2011,17(6):96-101 [Abstract(1697)]  [View PDF 1.18 M (810)]
    A Study on Legislation of Forest Carbon Sinks Trade:From the Perspective of an Effective Supply of Forest Ecological Benefits
      HAN Cong-rong
      2011,17(6):102-106 [Abstract(1787)]  [View PDF 1.13 M (784)]
    Reforms on Collective Forest Rights System Instructed by the Idea of Resource Sociality
      ZHENG Rong
      2011,17(6):107-111 [Abstract(1629)]  [View PDF 1.03 M (836)]
    A New Understanding of the Nature of Crime: The Thinking Caused by Ecological Interest
      GAO Fei
      2011,17(6):112-117 [Abstract(1707)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (877)]
    On the New Understanding of the Value of the Marxism in the Era of Post-crisis
      BAI Xiao
      2011,17(6):118-122 [Abstract(1394)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (800)]
    Marx and Engels’s Eco-Philosophy and Scientific Outlook on Development
      ZHANG De-Zhao and FENG Ya-Jun
      2011,17(6):123-127 [Abstract(2188)]  [View PDF 948.58 K (1207)]
    Ecological Writing in North-American Dystopian Novels
      TAN Yan-hong
      2011,17(6):128-133 [Abstract(1808)]  [View PDF 1.33 M (1008)]
    Study on the Constructs of Colonial Culture in the Enemy-occupied Areas in Anti-Japanese War Period
      FANG Yan-hua
      2011,17(6):134-139 [Abstract(2186)]  [View PDF 1.34 M (928)]
    The Characteristics of Chongqing Culture
      ZHAO Xiu-yu and YANG Jing
      2011,17(6):140-145 [Abstract(3035)]  [View PDF 1.40 M (923)]
    On the Musical Meaning of “jie” and Its Position in the History of the Chinese Music
      WANG Zhi-qing and CHEN Dong
      2011,17(6):146-150 [Abstract(1666)]  [View PDF 1.12 M (842)]
    Research on the Group Characteristics of High Employment Competitive University Graduates
      WANG Qing-sheng,WANG Qi-kai and LIU Hong
      2011,17(6):151-154 [Abstract(1732)]  [View PDF 881.69 K (833)]
    A Survey on Health Risk Behaviors of Undergraduates in Chongqing
      ZHI Kui-yun and CHEN Yong-jin
      2011,17(6):155-162 [Abstract(1967)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (839)]
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